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New Year's Eve Zumba Party Recap

Notice the different title format? That's because this isn't our review--instead, it's a recap of the first fitness event The MOde presented!!

First off, a special thank you to our fellow Zumba addict Susan Kinsey for wanting a Zumba New Year's Eve party. We did, too, so putting it together was a joy. Thanks too to Natalia Buschur at Zfit Studio Landen for letting us dance in her studio! And thanks too to Lori Barker, Jackie Reynolds Selle and Paige Strickland for bringing their Zumba energy to teach (along with Mary from MOde) and all the dancers who came!

It was a great way to dance out the old year--2016 was stressful enough that even 90 minutes was just the beginning of sweating it off--and the students and teachers brought enough heat to fog up the windows in December!

Want to catch more MOde events? Stay tuned, because we're throwing a Zumbathon to remember to benefit Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services! Date and time TBA, so check back for updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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