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MOde Fitness

We Got Strong: Strong by Zumba Training Recap

We've both been certified Zumba instructors since 2010. We've been to a lot of classes we loved and a few we didn't. We've seen Zumba go from hottest, newest, latest to a staple class at most gyms and add in new formats, flavors and more. But, the one thing that really got us excited was the addition of Strong by Zumba--the idea of a non-dance training format seemed like a great complement to dance cardio. And yes, at least one of us actually LIKES burpees.

So, we signed up for Kelly Bullard's training in Columbus, polished our planks, squats, lunges and lifts, and packed ourselves up north (to the utterly wonderful home-away-from-home Candlewood Suites Columbus Airport, where the person at the front desk will get ice for you at midnight with a smile). So, how'd we get our strong on?

First off, the only bummer was the mall crawl to actually find the facility. Once we were in the studio door, this training rocked! Kelly is a great trainer and broke down the moves and the teaching skills as well as is humanly possible in eight hours. We drilled one song from each of the class's four quadrants with beginner, intermediate and advanced "switchouts." We learned great tips for cueing participants. And, we got a good crash course in the science behind the program (yes, we're heading to add a group ex certification to the toolkit by the end of the year).

Was it hard? It wasn't "extreme" a la Spartan events--kudos to those who do htme, like Mary's boss at Crunch--that's you, Jeff Ignatowski-- or reality TV stunts. Was it challenging enough to get results. Yes, absoulely--if you use correct form and keep every muscle engaged from head to toe. That's harder than it sounds--bodyweight moves at tempo force you to make your core work overtime. If you're already pretty fit, this is a great way to shake up your strength routine of yoga, weights or Pilates. It can be hard for seasoned exercisers to find classes to find their edge, especially if you're lookinig for classes with a lot of movement as opposed to strict strength training or equipment-based cardio. This might not seem like a great beginner class, even with modifiications, but it would be a great confidence builder.

We left on a real high and can't wait to keep practicing and start sharing this with all of you! Watch this space for some tutorials and teasers! Here's the official trailer:

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