It's Tuesday. That means just a few more weekdays 'til MOdemas. It's about the time when you start to wonder how many paper towels you have to scrunch for it to count as an arm workout while cleaning. But, stopping the chaos even for a few minutes is worth it!
Beast MOde ( your workout)
Remember last week's sprint intervals? Here we go again. Aim for 20 minutes of your favorite cardio. Warm up, then try to alternate pushing speed for one minute with pushing up the resistance for a minute for a total of a three minute cycle, then a minute recovery. Repeat.
MOde Lifestyle (tips for a healthier holiday)
Managing stress under time pressure is hard. If meditation's not for you, work out a 5-minute tension reliever. A favorite song can be a great way to unplug your mind.
"We're gonna work it 'cause we're worth it" The Fitness Marshall